Anna C. Scott Elementary School
Home and School Association
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This assembly is sponsored by the ACS Home and School Association.
This event is sponsored by the ACS Home and School Association.
This event is sponsored by the ACS Home and School Association.
The ACS HSA's Mission
Our mission is to enhance the academic experience of all students at Anna C. Scott Elementary School (ACS) by building strong connections between families (the "home") and educators (the "school") in our school community.
ACS teachers and administrators do so many incredible things - day in and day out - to educate and nurture ACS students. We also know that the other half of the educational and school experience is managed at home. That's where the HSA comes in.
We facilitate communication between families and the school. This means everything from sending ParentSquare messages about upcoming events, to helping answer questions, and posting resources on this website.
We manage a network of amazing Class Parent volunteers who help bridge communications between classroom teachers, the HSA, and parents/guardians.
We organize school-wide events, like book fairs and the Fall Festival, that are educationally-enriching, community-building, and fun!
Fundraising is a BIG part of what we do. We raise money to support activities like student assemblies and field day. We also provide teachers and school departments with grants to purchase special materials for classrooms.
As a member of the ACS school community, you too can have an impact. Please reach out and participate in any way that you can!